Monday, October 09, 2006

Episode 10 - October 8, 2006

In Studio Picture of the Week,
With Diet Coke w/Lime that Tasted Like Seltzer Water
(Thanks autumn head cold!!)

It took three whole days to produce our tenth episode extravaganza, but you wouldn't be able to tell. Our host, Jeremy, needed a reminder from producer Joey Diamonds to even get started with the episode in the midst of being sick. Fighting off a cold, Jeremy plugged away through an extended movie segment, a Turkey of the Week (warning – there's one MAJOR expletive that couldn't be bleeped out), some Listener Line calls and a Freak Five.

Download Episode 10 Here.

Show Notes

Interview with Fox Chairman Tom Rothman
Joss Whedon on Serenity Sequel
Kirsten Dunst on Gwen Stacy
X-3 Selling Well
No Indy 4?
Disney on Downloading
Rift in the Potter Camp?
Does it Take one to Play one?

Our Turkey of the week Gets Defensive

Remember, if you want to be a part of the show, give us a call on the Freak Accident Listener Line at (206)-203-2938 or give us an e-mail at Also, I need an idea for a Freak Five this week, so send me an e-mail if you have one!

Keep it clean, keep it clear, but keep it Freaky!

You can also become our MySpace Friend!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Episode 9 - September 29, 2006

In Studio Picture of the Week

Nine is a wonderful number. It's awesome that we've reached Nine Episodes and haven't lost any steam. It's amazing that we've hit the number 9 and Jeremy hasn't gotten distracted by something else. It's only a matter of time, you know that, right?

Download Episode 9 Here
Show Notes

Question Entertainment Weekly's “review” of Open Season
Another movie based on a theme park ride?
Rumors about The Hoff
Fantastic Four 2 Gets a Boost in the Effects Department
The Eragon Trailer – better than the entire book!
Michael Caine Talks Dark Knight
First Poster For Shrek 3
Michelle Dessler from 24 Takes on Terrorists from Another Planet!!

Freak Five Question: What book would you love to see adapted as a comic book someday?

Send all feedback and responses to the Freak Five to, or call the Freak Accident Listener Line at 206-203-2938

Keep it Clear, Keep it Clean, but Keep it Freaky!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Episode 8 - September 22, 2006

The Freak Accident welcomes you to it's eighth episode, and it's more subdued than ever! Join our host, Jeremy, as he fends off the beginnings of a cold while recovering from a sprained ankle, by discussing:

Show Notes:

The Future of Pirates
Jon Favreu's Rejected Iron Men
Memento Star as Harvey Dent?
Spielberg Makes a Choice he Should Have Made When Offered A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
Fox Finds Money in Faith?
300 Trailer
iTunes Continues Plan for World (Entertainment) Domination

Turkey of the Week:

Superman Sets A Date

Remember, send all feedback to: or call our Listener Line at 206-203-2938.

Keep it Clean, Keep it Clear, but Keep it Freaky!

The closing song was “Girl” by Map

Go here to download!

Special Thanks to Freak Producer Extraodainnaire - Joey Diamonds.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Episode 7 - September 15 2006

Yes, I know I didn't post last weeks episode here, but it is available...

It's been a long week here at Freak Accident Headquarters, with job layoffs, job hunting and college searches, but nothing stopped our fearless host from giving you thirty minutes of so of face melting comic rock.

Download the Episode Here

Show Notes

No new movies interest me, but there's some good movie news that's come out as of late...

Namor The Sub-Mariner To Film

Avengers Movie in the Works?

Turkey Links:

First Five Pages of the Script
Plot Summary of a Similar Turkey
One take of many on the blogosphere

More Links to come when I get them!

Stay tuned for more news regarding the Freak Accident VidCast.

This week's Freak Five is: What New Television show are you looking forward to the most this season?

For feedback and Freak Five Responses, send me an e-mail at or give me a call at the Freak Accident Listener Line: 206-203-2938

Keep it Clean, Keep it Clear, Keep It Freaky!

Music Featured in the Closing Segment - “Don't Download This Song” by Weird Al Yankovic

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Episode 5 - September 1, 2006

Guest Hosts Galore as Jeremy goes on vacation!

Travis Seitler and Josh Alves were awesome enough to sit in this week and record some segments for this weeks show, and we're all grateful for it.

Show Notes

Sam Noir: Samurai Detective Preview
Tom Beland's True Story, Swear To God
Official Baltimore Comic-Con Web Site
Pluto is A Planet!
The Song Featured at the End of the Episode was "Junkie" by The Jane Does

Of course, I can't sit idly by without throwing in my two cents while producing the whole shebang, so I throw in a healthy amount of commentary in the post-game report.

Either way, the show clocks in at a healthy 18 minutes, 35 seconds and is available for download here.

As always, feel free to add your comments by e-mail:
Or by phone: 206-203-2938

Keep it Clean, Keep it Clear, but Keep it freaky!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Episode 4 - August 16, 2006

Show Notes

After a week of life taking precedence over art, the Freak Accident returns with a supersized episode for your listening enjoyment! Join our host, Jeremy, as he discusses the past weekends box office results, upcoming movie releases, why Michael Bay is a tool, Alan Moore's latest project, and much much more.

Superman Returns Sequel Up In the Air

Ain't It Cool News Discusses Lost Girls

Boy George Realizes His Crime

Please make a note that this episode contains some material not meant for young ears. You've been warned.

As always, feel free to add your two cents by e-mail:
Or by phone: 206-203-2938

Keep it Clean, Keep it Clear, but Keep it freaky!

Click Here to Download

A Teaser for the Pseudo Video Simulcast

I really wanted this to work. But it was late. I rushed.

But I wanted to get some content here...

Get this video and more at

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Episode 4 on it's way

After getting frustrated with the way Podomatic screws up my show notes, I've started a blog just for releasing each new episode, with show notes that work. Episode 4 is ready to go, I just have to upload it. So bookmark this page, folks, and stay tuned!